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Money Money Money!

I have frequently said that the entire industry labelled as reproductive heath care is based on one simple philosophy: if you can make money by deceiving the patient, then go for it.

A recent news item proves my point in a way that sickens me because it proves once again that couples who are desperate to have a child are easy targets for the culture of death.

Mike Stobbe reports in Associated Press medical news:


Fertility clinics are overusing a laboratory technique and costing infertile couples and some insurers hundreds of extra dollars according to a new study. At issue is a procedure that injects a single sperm into an egg. The method is considered the best option for couples in which the man has defective sperm or extremely low sperm counts.


The article goes on to expose the reasons why the $1,500 procedure is being overused with the attendant reality that couples are being led down yet another primrose path in an effort to get at their wallets by doing little to nothing to actually resolve the question of why the couple is infertile in the first place.

We know that infertility has increased over the past 40 years at an alarming rate. We know that this is no coincidence since the pill became a widely used method of birth control 40 years ago and has gained in popularity with the passing of each year.

We also know that when a perfectly health woman ingests medicine to stop a natural process from occurring there are bound to be consequences. The problem is that the purveyors of the culture of death know this too. They are the driving force behind reproductive technology.

If somebody in the major media would connect the dots properly then the entire scam would finally come to light, but in the meantime stories lie that written by Mr. Stobbe will like not even make a noticable blip on the radar screen of life in America.

That is truly a shame. Please pray for all those couples who are seeking help in having a child, that they may find ethical doctors who will not drain their wallets but rather use ethical means of assisting them.