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Pro-Life This Week – May 10, 2019

Week in Review – Pennsylvania outrage; organ donations; PP sex ed; and Mothers’ Day

The lead story this week was the state representative in Pennsylvania who filmed himself bullying a woman praying a Rosary outside Planned Parenthood in his district and then posted the video to social media. He followed that by posting another video of him bullying three teen girls and a woman on another day at the same PP center. The videos caused such outrage that there are nationwide demonstrations today. Judie Brown invited people to join her on the American Life League Facebook page at 11 AM (Eastern) to say a Rosary for all involved. The teens’ father set up a Go Fund Me page to raise $100,000 for the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia. As of yesterday, the fundraiser surpassed that goal.

The question of organ donations is one that comes up frequently. The pro-life Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization (HALO) offers a fact sheet to bring perspective to this question. They explain that, while it is fine to donate some organs, you should never give away your right to make an informed decision by giving blanket permission to have your organs taken. They point out that every state maintains an Organ Donor Registry listing people who have agreed to be organ donors, either on a driver’s license application or by signing an organ donor card. These state registries are readily accessed by Organ Procurement Organizations (a.k.a. Organ Donor Networks). However, NO STATE has a registry for those who do not want to be organ donors. Therefore, it is up to you to protect yourself. Refuse to be an organ donor IN WRITING. Sign and carry with you an I REFUSE TO BE AN ORGAN DONOR wallet card. To request a wallet card, email You can always change your mind later if the situation warrants it, but by signing the card you are ensuring no one can just take your organs because they want to.

In Iowa, Governor Kim Reynolds signed a budget bill last Friday that will prevent Planned Parenthood, and other abortion providers, from receiving money from the state. The immediate effect of the bill will be to end Planned Parenthood’s providing sex education programs in Iowa schools. Although Planned Parenthood is, expectedly, crying foul, those in the state who are aware of the nature of Planned Parenthood sex education programs applauded the move as something that will benefit the children of the state.

Planned Parenthood involvement in sex education has come under fire in other states, including Colorado, Minnesota, and Washington this legislative session. Planned Parenthood claims it is the largest provider of sexuality education in the nation. But, as more and more people examine what it is actually teaching to our children, there has been a great deal of opposition.

This is Mothers’ Day weekend, a time when we remember and celebrate the role that mothers play in the lives of their children and in the success of their family. In addition to the mothers in your own families, we ask you to remember Mary, the Mother of God, who carried Jesus in her womb for nine months and then remained close to Jesus—sharing His joys and sorrows—throughout his 33 years on earth. We recall that, while on the cross, Jesus said to the apostle, John, “behold thy mother,” (JN 19:26) thus giving Mary to all as our spiritual mother. We should include thoughts of her in our Mothers’ Day activities. Finally, we ask you to wish a Happy Mother’s day to any woman you know who is pregnant with her first child. In today’s world, many women don’t think they are mothers until the baby is born. That, of course, is not true, and your Mother’s Day wish may be the impetus for her to truly embrace the baby that God has given her.

ALL in the News – Sims; Palliative Care; and Pro-Life Radio

American Life League’s comment on state legislator Sims’ phony apology was featured as the first of a number of negative reactions by

Judie Brown wrote a commentary on Death: The Definitive Painkiller this week as she took a serious look at the movement of palliative care in America from helping manage pain to ending lives prematurely.

American Life League issued a press release Brian Sims – Don’t Be Satan’s Pawn calling on the Pennsylvania legislator to respond to God, Who is calling to him through the prayers of the faithful.

Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM) and Mondays (10 PM).

Video of the Week – This is how we’ve been shutting down Planned Parenthood for the past 10 years.

Are you serious about shutting down Planned Parenthood? The battle against Planned Parenthood isn’t a battle against abortion activists; it’s a battle against the forces of evil. Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary is essential for winning that battle.

American Life League is the only pro-life organization that recognizes the necessity of Mary’s intercession in shutting down each Planned Parenthood facility. During this Marian month of May we urge you to commit (or re-commit) to this important spiritual campaign.

To watch the full presentation, click here.

Action Item of the Week – Protest Stericycle on May 22

On May 22, the #ProtestPP coalition, which includes American Life League and STOPP International, is sponsoring a nationwide protest at local operations of Stericycle—a waste removal company.


After the undercover videos of Planned Parenthood began to be released in 2015, organizations that fight against Planned Parenthood formed a coalition, #ProtestPP ( Three pro-life groups headed the effort (Citizens for a Prolife Society [Monica Miller]; Created Equal [Mark Harrington]; and Prolife Action League [Eric Scheidler]). They were joined by a coalition of about 60 other groups, including American Life League and STOPP International. Monica, Eric, and Mark do the basic planning and we join in by promoting the ProtestPP activities.

Mark has worked for years to try to get the waste-hauling company, Stericycle, to end its contracts with Planned Parenthood and stop hauling medical waste (including aborted babies) from PP facilities. Despite several assurances from Stericycle that it has ended those contracts, Mark has evidence they have not.

Current activity

As a result, Mark, and Eric have scheduled a protest outside the annual stockholders meeting of Stericycle which will take place on May 22 in Chicago. They are hoping to have pro-lifers across the country to hold protests at all Stericycle facilities on that same day. The website has been updated to reflect this call to protest. What is needed now is for pro-lifers to become aware of the effort and to join in the protests.

Local teams are currently being sought to organize protests outside Stericycle sites across the country. There are currently 19 protests scheduled in 14 states.

Click here to if you would like to sign on to lead a Stericycle Protest in your area.

Pro-life Social Media – Pro-Planned Parenthood Bully Pretends to Apologize for Harassing Pro-Life Women

Pennsylvania state legislator Brian Sims doesn’t appear to be winning new friends after his anti-Catholic, frothing tirade against people quietly praying in front of Planned Parenthood. While one woman was armed with a rosary, Brian Sims came armed with a smartphone camera and a penchant for bullying.

Sims’ livestream of his encounter with pro-life activists reveals a man with serious anger issues. The targets of his vitriol turned the other cheek. Sims hasn’t removed his videos and won’t likely do it anytime soon—that would be a concession.

Instead, he issued a non-apology from his government office:

See? Sims isn’t sorry to the people he berated. He’s pseudo-sorry for violating Planned Parenthood’s non-engagement policy.