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Babies, Plan B, and Abortion

The so-called morning-after/emergency contraceptive pill, Plan B, has been a hot topic in pro-life circles over the years. The same is not true in the wider community, including high school and college populations. There are several reasons for this, including the inordinate publicity it receives from the mainstream media. It seems there is a vested interest in making sure teens in particular know how to use it, where to get it, and why it helps “avoid” pregnancy when unprotected sex occurs.

Lies, of course, since Plan B and others like it can kill a preborn child if he is conceived and is on his way to implanting himself in his mother’s womb. But who cares about facts when big bucks and building a customer base are at stake?

Planned Parenthood is at the forefront of engineering the positive discussion about this pill. Of course the reason for this is pure and simple: money! Stop Planned Parenthood International reports:

“Planned Parenthood, however, has sold 14,408,352 of its ineffective emergency contraception kits since 2001, at an average selling price of $32 per kit, generating an estimated $461,067,264 for Planned Parenthood. While Planned Parenthood pocketed hundreds of millions, it capriciously exposed women to the myriad health consequences associated with hormonal contraceptives taken in high dosages. Clearly, Planned Parenthood’s focus is on generating obscene amounts of income—not on women’s health.”

The publicity surrounding this deadly pill has always tended to be on the positive side, even though it is clear that Plan B is not safe for either preborn children who happen to be conceived or the women who take it without understanding either how it works or the health risks associated with it.

So when we found this story first published by Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust we were grateful that someone spoke the truth. And we committed to making it as widely known as possible. Why? It shows beyond a doubt that the next generation of pro-life leadership is armed and ready to defend the innocent with the fullness of truth.

Samuel Riley’s article “Athena’s Eyes Began to Tear Up as I Spoke” tells the story of a young woman confused about what Plan B actually does:

A young high school student approached me: “My mom always told me it was awful to use as a contraceptive, but what about rape?” I told her that the baby shouldn’t be punished for something the dad did and she agreed that abortion is always wrong.

She went and sat on the curb. She came back about ten minutes later and introduced herself. . . .

“I have to ask you something. Is Plan B abortion?”

“Well, it can be, if you’re really pregnant,” I explained. “When someone takes Plan B, they do it assuming they are. If you are pregnant, it kills the embryo which has its own unique genetic code.”

Athena’s eyes began to tear up as I spoke. “No one ever told me. I felt guilty, but I was never sure why. I just can’t believe I killed my baby.”

I told her that her feeling of guilt came from God’s law and told her about His forgiveness. I encouraged her to use this experience to help her friends avoid the same tragedy.

Thank you, Sam, for speaking from the heart and telling it like it really is.

We must make sure everyone understands that the real purpose of Plan B is not worry-free sex. It is a toxic drug resulting in death for the baby who could be conceived and sorrow for the female who chooses sexual relations rather than the joy that accompanies remaining chaste until marriage.

If you want to learn more about Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, visit its website to educate yourself, your friends, and your family. Learn the facts about birth control chemicals and devices. What you learn may save a life.

Plan B is really no plan at all.